Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another from the Northport Plein Air Weekend

The 3rd Annual Plein Air painting event in Northport was weekend before last. The drill is that we paint on Friday and Saturday and ono Sunday the finished paintings are exhibited at the LaMantia gallery for a silent auction which benefits the Northport Arts Coalition.

That Friday it stormed and hailed. I had set up my french easel just north of this gazebo in the park, looking out over the water. As the rain came down I retreated to another sort of gazebo with roof and balcony perched over the public restrooms there in the park. Tow other participants including the event organizer, Anthony Davis, joined me. This was the view I had and finally at about 1:30 in the afternoon enough sun came out for me to put some highlights into this painting.

The following day I chose another location and painted the Shipwreck Diner on Main Street. (Shown in an earlier post.)

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